Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You are being watched, or heard though a mike... Big Brother Is ALWAYS Present...

Ignoues, Goegre Orwell, Concepts never before seen, never before thought of in such a controled enviroment. Creating a rebel cause, fueling fire with fire. Taking it out and finally, bringing it back as a controled candel light. I really liked this novel.


George Orwell
1984 is a very interesting novel. Not only does it play with control but with a manipulation beyond most peoples imagination. Whow ould have thought about erasing history? yet of course our sovereign is so smart. If there is no better past the present has always been so. I cant ask for 30 rations if BB told us last year there was going to be a reduction. Facts i thought I knew are only figments of my imagination.
With the thought police, the rewriting of history, with the difference inbetween proles and control of the marriages and the such not only is there economic control, but ind control. No one thinks outside the box to save their own life. A life if I dare say, that is a dominated life, no right or left tun, only BBs way. He is our leader andknows best after all and surely tomorrow my name will not have existed since 1993, some other child will have been born or none at all for I am sure no such free thought as mine is allowed I have read, I can think, This is no "Truman Show" for my life to be dealt out as a deck of cards. Tomorrow I shall not be, yet if you read this my futile attempt to live will also dissapear in your own doublethink. If this were a matter of blackwhite...There we go again, there can be no such thing, as love should and can be a word, there is no need or a not-good. There existe BAD, and it lies n BB.
Yet hiscontrol is so... complete, the only way to leave it is becoming a hermit, if caught things turn out worse, for besides being tortured and possibly left towander some time on earth, one is BB. I am Doublethink.
BB is complete. He has led us to war for so many years against the same country and never lost. He won by a landslide when voted for. Never has he broken a promise, always delivering, he is our Brother, part of the family, even closer than my own siblings who would lie awake to hear me murmur in my sleep. My children? Hopefully they will also bask and know his power.
BB has been re-elected two times, each time lasting two years.
He has been in power for an endless 5 years...

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