Monday, May 3, 2010

The lady of shalott

This poem tries to say a lot of things. It talks about the legend of Shalott and about a curse she didnt even know about. This happens to many of us. We are burdened with something and don't knwo it until we actually try it. Some people will be there to help, others will just watch us pass [lancelot and the round table].
It is a very descriptive poem, and nature has a lot to do with the verses. It is very rythmic and the rhyme is incredible.
I like the idea of her curse, of falling to it just because she looked. I feel this happens many times, and if we could learn from our mistakes the boat ride wouldn't be so long, only one edge to another. Instead we all weave our webs and make them bigger, only to "look at our love" and become cursed again.

I like the emnaing but feel it isn't as clear as it could be.

The curious case of the dog in the nighttime.

This book is apparently about a dog that is killed and how Christopher, a young boy with autism, finds out who killed him. Along the way he finds out a lot of information about his family and what really happened to it.

This book is well written but I don’t really feel anything amazing about it. The narrator is incredible and relays [or so I think] how it is not to have feelings. Good enough the narration may be but it doesn’t captivate me thanks to that. When there are feelings it is easier to relate to something.
Christopher can’t feel, he only sees and observes details and what happens around him.
I think I might even get a little desperate if I cared about someone who doesn’t have feelings.

A ModEst PropSal

This essay talks about unspeakable subjects. Cannibalism is not something easily accepted by society and logically, it is a good idea. You get rid of hunger and poor people that don’t do anything. The only problem is that the world isn’t ready for those type of solutions. It is barbaric to think of eating another human being. Especially a child. But this essay lets us see how barbaric we really are, it is okay to animals, kill them, roast them, piglets or pigs, mothers, fathers or sons. We have done a lot of bad things to the world, have hurt everything, humans included. In a way we should be giving thanks that the idea of eating children is still barbaric to us. Because honestly, it is a good solution. It kills two birds with one shot. And it really wouldn’t be difficult. Hitler did worse and for a worse cause.

I don’t honestly think he wrote it seriously and I think that upon reading it, it caused a lot of controversy. I would very much like to know what he was thinking or what his intentions were when writing it. Someday this idea occurred to him, Why did he think of it? What would he win?

Monday, March 15, 2010

The DeMOn LoVeR

I thought it was well written but i didn't like it as a story. It wasn't exciting enough. Too ambiguos.

This story contains a lot of flashbacks and premonitions or red herrings.
In the beginning it tries to set a mysterious unknown ambience when describing the setting. The setting is full of memories of better days and is nostalgic. The house is unkept, giving us a dustier, older and scarier house than it would be in daylight and clean.

It never tells us what will happen. The only clue we have to something unknown is a mysterious letter that appears. It is new, untouched by dust and it speaks of long lost memories. These memories are awoken in a flashback where we are taken to a time when the narrator was younger and somewhat in love. Here her “soldier” reminds her what they have just accorded and tells her to not forget to do it. We still don’t know what they are talking about but with the title, and the description of his face we know something is wrong and unnatural.

The ambience becomes more and more tense as time passes and finally desperate the narrator leaves the house. Even though everything is calm, the nagging doubt tells us the end. The nagging doubt which is proven.

Tea Time my preetties

This story gives us a new view of society yet plays with a typical setting.
the typical setting is that rich people have all kinds of privileges and stuff yet they are not happy with what they have. Yet this setting only appears at the end. Throughout the story we see how this lady offers shelter and food but only as entertainment to herself. Her thoughts are superficial and not very interested in anything.
Her world becomes unbalanced as soon as her husband finds the street "urchin" beautiful..something apparently he hasn´t told her.
Human kind is defined by what satisfies it and and what it doesnt like. No matter what there is to life, it can only be filled with: love. She might have enough money to buy that little box but she wasn't beautiful enough in her husbands eyes. Her love wasn't true yet in the end that is what she really wants.
How predictable we all are...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


If you were to be king, well nothing would stop you from being King.
I admit I havn't read the complete play, yet The 32second play and its explications provided by Mean Mr.Teacher resumed Macbeth pretty well.
Shakespear, wthere he was gay or not, whether he plagiarised or not, was brilliant. His speciality: tragedies.
Humans sometimes seem perfect, too perfect. How can you trust someone always better than you, who doesn't understand a mistake? For that matter how can we trust anyone, we have seen history written and know our own deep desires.
Macbeth is coff coff Macbeth. Said to be King, according to three witches. So maybe if destiny dictates so it shall be; yet ambition is always somewhere hidden. Lady MAcbeth knows what must be done to be King [and Queen] yet as a woman she must not do anathing except enter her husbands mind. Its plot unravels with murder, guilt and of course pe1ople losing their wits and sanity thanks to themselves.
Macduff, Blood which doesn't leave, ghosts, its all here. What makes this play so known [besides the fact that shakespear wrote it] is due to the way we see our own faults reflected there,but worse. We can understand, relate, whether it be shameful or not to.
What we will see in class is interactive, letting us divulge opinions, look into facts and play with fire, I mean imagination. It willlt us get closer to Macbeth instead of reading the book with the least skin possible touching the book at the farthest distance possible.
^^ I agree. Sounds Fun :p

You are being watched, or heard though a mike... Big Brother Is ALWAYS Present...

Ignoues, Goegre Orwell, Concepts never before seen, never before thought of in such a controled enviroment. Creating a rebel cause, fueling fire with fire. Taking it out and finally, bringing it back as a controled candel light. I really liked this novel.


George Orwell
1984 is a very interesting novel. Not only does it play with control but with a manipulation beyond most peoples imagination. Whow ould have thought about erasing history? yet of course our sovereign is so smart. If there is no better past the present has always been so. I cant ask for 30 rations if BB told us last year there was going to be a reduction. Facts i thought I knew are only figments of my imagination.
With the thought police, the rewriting of history, with the difference inbetween proles and control of the marriages and the such not only is there economic control, but ind control. No one thinks outside the box to save their own life. A life if I dare say, that is a dominated life, no right or left tun, only BBs way. He is our leader andknows best after all and surely tomorrow my name will not have existed since 1993, some other child will have been born or none at all for I am sure no such free thought as mine is allowed I have read, I can think, This is no "Truman Show" for my life to be dealt out as a deck of cards. Tomorrow I shall not be, yet if you read this my futile attempt to live will also dissapear in your own doublethink. If this were a matter of blackwhite...There we go again, there can be no such thing, as love should and can be a word, there is no need or a not-good. There existe BAD, and it lies n BB.
Yet hiscontrol is so... complete, the only way to leave it is becoming a hermit, if caught things turn out worse, for besides being tortured and possibly left towander some time on earth, one is BB. I am Doublethink.
BB is complete. He has led us to war for so many years against the same country and never lost. He won by a landslide when voted for. Never has he broken a promise, always delivering, he is our Brother, part of the family, even closer than my own siblings who would lie awake to hear me murmur in my sleep. My children? Hopefully they will also bask and know his power.
BB has been re-elected two times, each time lasting two years.
He has been in power for an endless 5 years...