Thursday, September 3, 2009


[Lets hope this one turns out better right?]

Life...a series of moments, emotions, mistakes,adrenaline... vomiting from alcohol, your first roller coaster, The Kiss, being offered marihuana, being hit on,your first trip with your friends ALONE, graduating, living,loving... Life

Life is like a roller coaster wit ups and downs,with imagining things and building your expectations up even if they will only crsah again.

How long does this last? your whole life...sounds like a lot... but what really happens is that we are so into "living" it, pressuerd to amke choices and "go on" that before we know it we are already graduating!! and going to COLLEGE!!!

What The... coff coff you get the point... :p

Even old as "wise ones who have known life" there is always something new to do, or simply somewhere we have to leave our footprint in the sand of time without letting the waves wash it away.

Humans fear death. It is not a question but a fact and statement. Why? Because we feel small against something we can't control. Even before maturing completly we have been drilled against the dying of the light, death is permanenty, death is sadness, death is sorrow, death is pain.

I am not going to say something like "make the best of it" because whatever we do death will always catch up, be we gay, addicts, presidents, ghandi or "normal". What we can do is make sure that by the time we are wise old ones we have split a tree in two somewhere along the way. Fight it if you can recover...

This poem in itself actually si completly against death...and that can be most easily explained in the last stanza as this one is directed to Dylan Thomas' father... it is never easy to let go a friend, a partner/loved one... and apparently it wasn't easy for dylan thomas to let go of his father;i am not saying it is for me, just that that is why it has been written like this.

Nonetheless, they are very wise words...

!!!RaGe AgAiNST the DyIng Of The LiGht!!! [also against "bad" which is a life who can be proud of]

I shall no leave you with this though:

one fo the rites to enter heaven was answer TWO questions honestly... simple enough,short enough...

Has there been Joy in Your Life?
Have You brought Joy to Someone Else's Life?

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