Sunday, November 22, 2009

She Walks In Beauty

She walks in beauty

By George Gordon, Lord Byron


She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellow’d to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impair’d the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o’er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.


And on that cheeck, and o'er the brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, with tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodnees spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart with love is innocent!

"She walks in beauty" is a poem about a wonderful woman...a beautiful being.

Yet how do they judge and decide how beautiful she is?
Besides the fact that she is physically appealing [or so we are led to believe] what makes her so.. perfect is the fact that she is an equilibrium in between light and dark. She is calm like the night, equally as mysterious, and pure. Most of all pure. She is innocent and we can be sure no tear has fallen upon thy brow, no frown adorned her face.

Yet is this true beauty? For the author possibly, yet this innocence sounds somewhat more like being naive to me. Can one be beautiful this way? Blondes are supposed ot be stupid due to the fact that they are beautiful and don’t have to know to get far, a little cleavage a kiss etc is enough. This is somewhat the same. She is beautiful and innocent. She has no lived life at its fullest. I may not be as beautiful as the person described but I have lived, I have known some of the world, and due to these experiences I know how to carry myself and can believe myself… “sexy”. Not necessarily sexy but great part of the allure, either in a man or a woman, is being how you want o be seen. I can do this. I have cried, I have wept, I have laughed and loved, fought and made-up.

She is beautiful, of that there is no doubt yet no crease of the forehead…how much can she know?

If what I understand is so… would you be handsome, or beautiful at the cost of being blissfully, naively happy?

I am sorry… I would not.

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